do you need to wax brand new skis

<h1>Do You Need to Wax Brand New Skis?</h1>

When you purchase a brand new pair of skis, you might wonder if it is necessary to wax them before hitting the slopes. The answer to this question depends on various factors such as the ski’s factory wax, the type of skis, and your skiing style. Let’s delve deeper into whether or not you should wax your brand new skis.

The Purpose of Waxing Skis

Waxing skis is essential to optimize their performance on the snow. It serves multiple purposes, including:

  • Reducing friction: Waxing creates a smooth surface on the base of the skis, minimizing friction and making them glide better.
  • Enhancing speed: By reducing friction, wax helps you gain more speed, which is particularly beneficial for downhill skiing.
  • Protecting the base: Waxing forms a protective layer on the ski’s base, shielding it from abrasive snow and ice.
  • Preserving the skis: Regular waxing can extend the lifespan of your skis by preventing base damage and excessive drying.

The Factory Wax on Brand New Skis

Most skis come with a factory wax applied to their base. This factory wax is a basic, all-purpose coating that provides minimal benefits. It serves as temporary protection during transportation and storage, but it does not offer the same performance advantages as a fresh waxing session. Therefore, it is generally recommended to wax your brand new skis before taking them out on the slopes.

Recommended Waxing Frequency

The frequency of waxing your skis depends on several factors, such as the conditions you ski in and how often you hit the slopes. Here are some general guidelines:

  • Spring or wet snow conditions may require more frequent waxing, as the snow tends to be more aggressive on the ski’s base.
  • If you ski frequently, it is advisable to wax your skis every 4-6 days of active use.
  • For casual skiers or occasional use, waxing once or twice a season is usually sufficient.

DIY Waxing vs. Professional Waxing

Waxing your skis can be done either at home or by a professional tuning service. Consider the following factors before deciding which route to take:

DIY WaxingProfessional Waxing
CostRelatively inexpensiveCan be pricey
ExpertiseRequires learning and practiceSkilled professionals handle the job
TimeTakes time to learn and completeQuick and convenient
QualityDependent on personal skillProfessionals provide consistent results

Signs Your Skis Need Waxing

Even if you have recently waxed your skis, certain signs may indicate that it’s time for another waxing session:

  • Noticeable decrease in speed and glide on the snow.
  • Visible dryness or discoloration on the base.
  • Difficulty in turning or unstable control.
  • Hearing a dragging or scraping sound while skiing.

The Benefits of Regular Waxing

Regular waxing of your skis provides numerous benefits, including:

  • Improved performance and speed on the slopes.
  • Enhanced maneuverability and control.
  • Protection against base damage and excessive drying.
  • Extended lifespan of your skis.
  • A more enjoyable skiing experience overall.


While brand new skis may come with a factory wax, it is advisable to wax them before hitting the snow for optimal performance and protection. Waxing not only reduces friction and enhances speed, but it also prolongs the life of your skis. Whether you choose to wax them yourself or seek professional assistance, regular waxing will ensure you have a fantastic time on the slopes while maintaining the longevity of your skis.