Is Diego Brando a Good Guy? Examining the Moral Ambiguity of Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure’s Antihero

Diego Brando, the charismatic character from Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, has undoubtedly been one of the most talked-about anime characters in recent years. While some anime fans see him as a villain, others believe that he’s a good guy at heart. But is Diego Brando a good guy? That’s a question that has been constantly debated among the anime community.

Diego Brando is a complex character and his moral compass isn’t always clear. On one hand, his love for animals and nature is evident throughout the series. He’s also shown a deep concern for his close allies, especially those he considers family. However, on the other hand, his actions are sometimes morally ambiguous and even villainous. What makes Diego Brando such a fascinating character is his willingness to do whatever it takes to achieve his goals, even if it means causing harm to others.

So, what makes Diego Brando a good guy? Is it his love for animals and nature or his willingness to protect those he considers family? Or is it a combination of both? While there’s no easy answer, one thing is for sure, Diego Brando’s character development highlights that the line between good and evil isn’t always black and white.

Who is Diego Brando?

Diego Brando is a fictional character from the anime and manga series Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, created by Hirohiko Araki. He is also known as Dio Brando and is the main antagonist of the series. Diego Brando originally appeared in the seventh part of the manga series, titled “Steel Ball Run,” which takes place in an alternate universe in the United States during the late 19th century.

The character’s name is a reference to Diego Maradona, a retired Argentine professional football player, and Giorgio Brando, a character from the novel “The Leopard” by Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa. Diego Brando is portrayed as a determined and ruthless individual with a dream to become the champion of the Steel Ball Run race while simultaneously committing numerous atrocities to ensure his victory.

What are the characteristics of Diego Brando?

  • Manipulative and cunning
  • Charismatic and handsome
  • Ruthless and brutal
  • Determined and focused
  • Capable of utilizing a powerful stand ability

Diego Brando has a unique stand, Scary Monsters, which allows him to transform himself and others into prehistoric animals while retaining their human intelligence and control. This ability enables him to blend in with the environment and attack his opponents unexpectedly. He is an expert in using his powers to lure his enemies into traps and set up attacks that take advantage of his stand.Beneath his charisma and wit, however, Diego Brando is shown to be a sadistic and violent individual. He advocates for the survival of the fittest, believing that the strong should be allowed to dominate and rule over the weak. This mindset leads him to commit countless atrocities and take advantage of those around him.

Is Diego Brando a good guy?

Diego Brando is presented as the primary antagonist of the series. Throughout the story, he commits numerous atrocities in his pursuit of power and control. He is a ruthless and brutal individual with a single-minded focus and is not hesitant to exploit and manipulate others to achieve his goals. Therefore, it would be safe to assume that Diego Brando is not a good guy and is, in fact, a villain in the story.

Positive traitsNegative traits
Powerful StandSelf-serving

Despite possessing some positive traits such as charisma, good looks, and intelligence, Diego Brando’s negative traits outweigh them. His manipulativeness, sadism, ruthlessness, brutality, and self-serving nature make him a villain and a thorn in the side of the heroes, Johnny Joestar, and Gyro Zeppeli, who are trying to stop him from achieving his goals and taking control of the Steel Ball Run race.

The Concept of Morality in Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure

Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure is a popular manga and anime series that has been ongoing since the 1980s. One of the key themes explored in the series is the concept of morality. The characters in the series are often forced to make difficult decisions that test their sense of what is right and wrong, and these decisions can have far-reaching consequences.

Diego Brando: Good or Evil?

Diego Brando is a character in the series who is often seen as a villain. He is the main antagonist in the Steel Ball Run arc, and his actions throughout the series are often cruel and barbaric. However, there are also moments where Diego appears to be acting out of a sense of justice or honor.

  • Diego’s Backstory – Diego Brando’s backstory is a tragic one. He grew up in poverty and was forced to do whatever it took to survive. This includes committing petty crimes and engaging in street fighting. Despite this, Diego never lost sight of his goal to become a successful jockey and gain respect in society. It is this drive that eventually leads him down a dark path.
  • Diego’s Motivations – Throughout the Steel Ball Run arc, Diego’s motivations are often unclear. While he is initially portrayed as a straightforward villain, it becomes clear that his actions are motivated in part by a desire for power and in part by a sense of justice. He is willing to do whatever it takes to win the race, which includes betraying his fellow racers, but he also shows a willingness to stand up against those who would abuse their power.
  • The Parallel Universe Diego – One of the most interesting aspects of Diego’s character is the existence of a parallel universe version of himself. This version of Diego is kinder and more compassionate, and he eventually becomes a key ally to the protagonists of the series. This raises the question of whether Diego’s evil actions are a result of circumstances beyond his control or if they are simply a reflection of his true nature.

Ultimately, the question of whether Diego Brando is a good guy or a bad guy is left up to interpretation. While his actions throughout the series are often villainous, there are also moments where he shows a sense of honor and justice that is rare in the world of Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure. It is this complexity that makes Diego Brando one of the most fascinating characters in the series.

The Parallel World Concept in Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 7

Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 7: Steel Ball Run introduces the concept of a parallel world which opens up a whole new dimension of storytelling. In this parallel world, alternate versions of the characters we know and love exist, bringing with them new plotlines, challenges, and enemies. One of the most prominent characters introduced in this part is Diego Brando, a man who shares his name with the antagonist from Part 1, but his story takes a completely different turn.

  • Diego Brando’s Introduction: Diego is first introduced as a rival to the protagonist, Johnny Joestar, in the Steel Ball Run race. He is a jockey who is known for his ruthless and aggressive tactics during races, making him an adversary to be feared. However, as the story progresses, we see a different side to Diego.
  • The Good and Bad Sides of Diego: While Diego may have started off as an antagonist, he gradually transforms into a complex character with his own motivations and goals. His backstory is revealed, and we see that he has suffered a lot in his life, which has caused him to develop a tough exterior. However, he also has a softer side, especially when it comes to animals. This duality of Diego’s personality makes him a compelling character.
  • Diego’s Redemption: In the final arc of Part 7, Diego is given the opportunity to redeem himself and become a hero. He is confronted with an alternate version of himself from the parallel world, who is a cruel and sadistic character. Diego is forced to confront this version of himself and ultimately chooses to fight against him. This decision not only saves the lives of those around him but also helps Diego find inner peace and redemption.

The parallel world concept in Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 7 adds a whole new layer to the story, allowing for the exploration of alternate realities and versions of characters we are familiar with. Diego Brando’s character exemplifies the complexity of this concept, as he starts off as a villain but ultimately becomes a hero. His journey is a testament to the fact that there is always the possibility for redemption and change.

Overall, Diego Brando may not have started off as a good guy, but his transformation and eventual redemption make him a truly compelling character in Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 7.

Diego Brando’s Character Traits:Description:
RuthlessKnown for his aggressive tactics during races
ComplexHas a tough exterior but also a softer side
RedemptionChooses to fight against a cruel and sadistic version of himself

Diego Brando’s character is a testament to the fact that even characters who may seem irredeemable at first can go through a transformation and become heroes. The parallel world concept in Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 7 adds a new dimension to the storytelling, giving audiences the chance to explore alternate realities and versions of familiar characters.

The significance of the Steel Ball Run race

Diego Brando, also known as Dio, is one of the main characters in the popular Japanese manga series, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure. He is introduced in the series as a rival to the protagonist, Johnny Joestar, and becomes one of the central antagonists in the story. However, as the story progresses, there are some moments where Dio displays characteristics that could be interpreted as good or heroic. This leads to the question: Is Diego Brando actually a good guy?

  • Diego’s background story
  • To understand Diego’s character, it’s important to know his background story. He grew up in a wealthy family but suffered from abuse and neglect from his father. This led to him developing a ruthless and competitive personality, which comes into play during the Steel Ball Run race.

  • Diego’s motivations
  • Throughout the story, Diego’s motivations become clearer. He enters the Steel Ball Run race not just to win, but to prove his worth and prove his father wrong. He also has a strong desire to take care of his younger sister, who he loves deeply. These are arguably noble intentions.

  • The influence of the Steel Ball Run race
  • The Steel Ball Run race itself is a major turning point for several characters in the series, including Diego. It is a thrilling and dangerous event that tests the limits of human endurance and strength. The race forces characters to confront their own limitations and motivations, making them question what they truly want in life.

So, is Diego Brando a good guy? The answer is not a straightforward one. While he displays moments of heroism and has noble motivations, his ruthless and competitive nature cannot be ignored. Ultimately, his character is complex and layered, making him an intriguing character to follow throughout the story.

Overall, the Steel Ball Run race plays a significant role in shaping the characters and their motivations, including Diego Brando. It serves as a catalyst for character development and plot progression, making it a crucial element of the JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure series.

Displays moments of heroismRuthless and competitive nature
Noble intentionsAntagonistic towards protagonist

Ultimately, it’s up to the reader to decide whether Diego Brando is a good guy or not, but the Steel Ball Run race is an important factor to consider when making that decision.

Diego Brando’s Origins and Backstory

Diego Brando is a fictional character in the popular manga series, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure. He made his debut in the seventh part of the series, Steel Ball Run, and quickly became one of the most intriguing characters. Diego Brando, also known as Dio, is an alternate universe version of Dio Brando from the first part of the series.

Diego Brando was born in London, England, in the late 19th century. His father was a wealthy businessman, and his mother was an actress who died during childbirth. This tragic event made Diego resentful towards his father, whom he blamed for his mother’s death. As a result, Diego developed a cold and cruel personality, and became obsessed with gaining power and control.

Diego’s thirst for power led him to acquire a stand, a supernatural ability that grants its user various powers. His stand, “Scary Monsters,” allows him to transform himself and others into dinosaurs and gives him enhanced strength and speed. With this stand, Diego becomes a formidable opponent to anyone who stands in his way.

Diego Brando’s Traits and Abilities

  • Diego Brando is an ambitious person who is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve his goals.
  • He has a cold and cruel personality, and is not afraid to kill anyone who stands in his way.
  • His stand, “Scary Monsters,” allows him to transform into a dinosaur and gives him enhanced strength and speed.
  • Diego is also a skilled jockey and is known for his incredible horse riding abilities.
  • Despite his cruel nature, Diego has a strong sense of honor and is willing to fight for what he believes in.

Diego Brando’s Role in the Series

Diego Brando plays a significant role in the Steel Ball Run arc of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure. He is one of the main antagonists and serves as a foil to the protagonist, Johnny Joestar. The two characters have a rivalry that escalates throughout the series and culminates in a dramatic confrontation.

Diego Brando is a complex character, and his backstory and motivations make him an intriguing villain. He is a testament to the high level of writing found in the JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure series and has become a fan favorite among readers.

Conclusion: Diego Brando as a Good or Bad Guy?

Diego Brando is a fascinating character, but is he a good guy or a bad guy? The answer is not black and white. Diego’s motives and actions are driven by his desire for power and control, which makes him a villain in many ways. However, his strong sense of honor and his willingness to fight for what he believes in is commendable and could make him a hero in some eyes.

Strong sense of honorCruel and cold personality
Willing to fight for what he believes inObsessed with gaining power and control
Skilled jockey and horse riderNot afraid to kill anyone who stands in his way

In conclusion, whether Diego Brando is a good or bad guy is up to interpretation. He is a complex character with many admirable qualities as well as faults. However, there is no denying his importance to the JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure series and his role as one of its most intriguing characters.

Diego Brando’s Character Development Throughout Part 7

Diego Brando, also known as Dio, is a villainous character in Part 7 of Hirohiko Araki’s manga series, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure. However, as the story progresses, Diego’s character undergoes significant development, making it hard to decide whether he is a good or a bad guy. Here are the subtopics that dive into Diego Brando’s character development throughout Part 7.

The Introduction of Diego Brando

Diego Brando is first introduced as an arrogant and cruel individual, who participates in the Steel Ball Run race to win the prize money and become famous. From the beginning, he does whatever it takes to win, hinder his opponents, and even endanger their lives.

Diego’s Conflicted Side

As the story unfolds, Diego’s actions start to contradict his nature as a villain. He begins to show concern for his companions, even going the extra mile to save them. This change in attitude is noticeable when he risks his life to rescue Wekapipo and Magent Magent from a shared fate of being crushed by a giant bolder.

Diego’s Relationship with Lucy Steel

Diego’s interactions with the character Lucy Steel provide a window through which we can view his true nature. Lucy becomes a crucial player in Diego’s character development as he develops romantic feelings for her, which makes him go against his evil nature to protect her whenever possible.

The Evolution into a Better Person

Diego’s relationship with Lucy Steel ultimately leads him to have a complete change of heart, making him shift towards the good side. In the fight against Valentine, he allies with Johnny and Gyro, showing loyalty and selflessness, two significant traits of a hero.

Diego’s Redemption Arc

Despite having a troubled past, Diego’s redemption arc makes him a popular and beloved character among fans. Throughout the story, he proves that it’s never too late to change, and that a person’s nature can evolve with the situations they find themselves in.


In Part 7, Diego Brando begins as an evil, selfish, and cruel individual, but evolves into a better person, who becomes an ally of the heroes. His development is a reminder that change is always possible, no matter how irredeemable a person might appear to be at first.

Diego Brando’s relationships with other characters

Diego Brando, also known as Dio, is a complex and controversial character in Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure. While some fans see Dio as a hero, others see him as a villain. Let’s take a closer look at his relationships with other characters in the series.


  • George Joestar: Dio’s adoptive father, who he eventually murders for his wealth and power.
  • Jonathan Joestar: Dio’s step-brother and arch-nemesis. They have a bitter and violent relationship throughout the series.
  • Enrico Pucci: Dio’s loyal follower and friend, who goes on to become a major antagonist in later parts of the series.


Dio gathers a group of followers throughout the series who are devoted to his cause of attaining ultimate power and ruling the world.

  • Bruford and Tarkus: Two knights who serve Dio as undead minions.
  • Vanilla Ice: A vampire who becomes one of Dio’s closest and most loyal followers.
  • N’Doul: A blind assassin who becomes Dio’s ally after being defeated by him.


Dio has many enemies throughout the series, some of whom he forms complex and unpredictable relationships with.

  • Jonathan Joestar: Dio’s step-brother and main enemy throughout the series.
  • Jotaro Kujo: Jonathan’s grandson and one of Dio’s most powerful and persistent enemies.
  • Kars: An ancient being and former antagonist who Dio teams up with briefly before turning on him and attempting to steal his body.

Romantic Relationships

Dio has several romantic relationships throughout the series, though they are often characterized by manipulation, abuse, and violence.

CharacterRelationship with Dio
Erina PendletonTargets her for his cruel and sadistic pleasure. In one scene, he forces her to kiss his boot.
Enya GeilSeduces Enya in order to gain her loyalty and use her as a pawn in his plan to take over the world.
Unnamed womenDio has been shown to keep multiple unnamed women as personal attendants, whom he frequently abuses and mistreats.

Dio’s relationships with other characters are complicated and often fraught with danger and betrayal. However, they are a key component to understanding his motivations and actions throughout the series.

The Role of Diego Brando as a Villain in Part 7

Diego Brando, also known as Dio, is a prominent character in Part 7 of Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Steel Ball Run. While some argue that Diego Brando is a good guy, most consider him to be a villain due to his actions throughout the series. Here are some reasons why Diego Brando is considered a villain in Part 7:

  • He is selfish: Diego Brando is only concerned about his own well-being and will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals, even if it means hurting or killing innocent people.
  • He is manipulative: Diego has a talent for manipulating others, including his own followers and innocent bystanders. He uses this skill to his advantage in order to get what he wants.
  • He is violent: In addition to being selfish and manipulative, Diego Brando is also extremely violent. He enjoys causing pain and suffering to others, and is not afraid to kill anyone who gets in his way.

While it is true that Diego Brando does have some redeeming qualities, such as his love for his horse, these qualities do not excuse his actions as a villain in Part 7.

In terms of his actual role in the story, Diego Brando serves as a primary antagonist for the protagonists of Steel Ball Run. He is the leader of a group of assassins hired by President Funny Valentine to capture the Saint’s Corpse and prevent anyone else from using its power. Throughout the series, Diego and his followers provide a constant threat to the protagonists and often engage in brutal battles against them.

Overall, Diego Brando’s role as a villain in Part 7 is crucial to the plot and adds depth to the story. Despite his despicable actions, his character is an interesting one that keeps the audience engaged.

So, while some may argue that Diego Brando is a good guy, most consider him to be a villain in Part 7 due to his selfishness, manipulativeness, and violent tendencies.

However, it is important to note that villains can be just as important as heroes in a story, and Diego Brando’s role in Steel Ball Run is a prime example of this.

Below is a table summarizing Diego Brando’s notable characteristics as a villain in Part 7:

SelfishnessDiego Brando is only concerned about his own well-being and will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals, even if it means hurting or killing innocent people.
ManipulativenessDiego has a talent for manipulating others, including his own followers and innocent bystanders. He uses this skill to his advantage in order to get what he wants.
ViolenceDiego Brando is extremely violent and enjoys causing pain and suffering to others. He is not afraid to kill anyone who gets in his way.

The Impact of Diego Brando’s Actions on the Plot

Diego Brando, also known as Dio, is a major character in the Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure series, with part of his story being featured in Part 7: Steel Ball Run. Many fans have debated whether Diego is a good guy or a bad guy due to his ambiguous nature and his actions throughout the story.

  • Diego Brando’s Introduction – Diego is first introduced as a jockey competing in the Steel Ball Run race. He initially seems like a normal competitor until he is revealed to have stolen the body of another character, which raises questions about his morals. This sets the stage for his complex and often unpredictable character arc.
  • The Dinosaur Storyline – One major impact of Diego’s actions is the introduction of dinosaurs into the story. Diego uses a Stand called Scary Monsters to transform into a dinosaur and control other dinosaurs, leading to a thrilling battle sequence. This storyline also foreshadows the revelation of a new antagonist and raises the stakes for the protagonists.
  • Diego’s Betrayal – In a shocking turn of events, Diego betrays the other competitors and works with the antagonist, Funny Valentine, to gain ultimate power in the race. This twist greatly impacts the plot and adds tension, as the protagonists must now face even greater challenges.

Overall, Diego Brando’s actions have a significant impact on the storyline of Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, adding complex layers to the narrative and challenging the characters in unexpected ways.

Additionally, the character’s popularity has led to several spin-offs, including a manga series dedicated solely to his story. Diego Brando may be a divisive figure amongst fans, but his impact on the series is undeniable.

Diego’s actions are also notable in terms of how they impact the other characters in the story. His betrayal of the other competitors has lasting consequences on the storyline and forces the protagonists to re-evaluate their alliances and loyalties.

ActionImpact on Plot
Stealing the body of another characterRaises questions about his morals and sets the stage for his complex character arc.
Using a Stand to control dinosaursIntroduces new challenges and raises the stakes for the protagonists.
Betraying the other competitorsCreates tension and forces the protagonists to re-evaluate their alliances and loyalties.

Diego Brando’s actions ultimately contribute to the complex and compelling narrative of Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, cementing his place as a memorable and impactful character in the series.

Interpretations and opinions on whether Diego Brando is a good guy or not

Diego Brando, also known as Dio, is one of the most controversial characters in the Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure series. He is a major antagonist in Part 7: Steel Ball Run and has a complex storyline, which has led to different interpretations and opinions on whether he is a good guy or not. Here are some of the most common arguments:

  • Diego is a villain: Diego is initially introduced as a ruthless assassin hired by the President of the United States, Funny Valentine. He is willing to kill anyone who stands in his way, including innocent people and other villains. He also shows a lack of empathy and uses his Stand ability, Scary Monsters, to manipulate and control animals.
  • Diego is a tragic character: As the story progresses, Diego’s past is revealed, and it becomes clear that he had a difficult childhood. He also has a rivalry with the protagonist, Johnny Joestar, which leads to some dramatic moments in the story. Some fans argue that Diego’s tragic past and motivations make him a sympathetic character, even if he does some terrible things.
  • Diego is a hero: The most controversial interpretation is that Diego is, in fact, a hero. Some fans believe that his actions are justified because he is trying to save his own world, which is different from the Steel Ball Run universe. They argue that he is fighting against a corrupt government and that his actions, even if violent, are necessary to achieve his goals. Some even see him as an anti-hero who is willing to make tough choices for the greater good.

There is no definitive answer to the question of whether Diego Brando is a good guy or not. It depends on your perspective and values as a viewer or reader. Some fans may sympathize with Diego’s tragic background, while others may see him as a ruthless killer. Whatever your interpretation, one thing is clear: Diego’s storyline adds complexity and depth to the Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure series.

Frequently Asked Questions about Is Diego Brando a Good Guy

Q: Who is Diego Brando?
A: Diego Brando is a fictional character from the manga and anime series, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure. He is a main antagonist in the Steel Ball Run story arc.

Q: Is Diego Brando a good guy?
A: No, Diego Brando is not a good guy. He is a villainous character who shows no remorse in his actions and is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve his goals.

Q: What makes Diego Brando a bad guy?
A: Diego Brando is a ruthless person who has a disregard for human life. He is willing to betray his allies and use underhanded tactics to achieve his goals.

Q: Why do some people like Diego Brando?
A: Some people may like Diego Brando because of his cool demeanor and powerful abilities. However, it is important to remember that he is a villainous character and should not be admired for his actions.

Q: Does Diego Brando have any redeeming qualities?
A: While Diego Brando may have some qualities that make him a complex character, he ultimately does not have any redeeming qualities. He is a villain who is driven by his own selfish desires.

Q: What is the Steel Ball Run story arc about?
A: The Steel Ball Run story arc is the seventh part of the Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure manga and anime series. It follows the adventures of various characters as they participate in a horse race across the United States.

Q: Should I root for Diego Brando to win in Steel Ball Run?
A: No, you should not root for Diego Brando to win in Steel Ball Run. He is a villainous character and his actions are not justified.

Closing Thoughts on Is Diego Brando a Good Guy

Now that you know the truth about Diego Brando, it is important to remember that he should not be looked up to as a hero. While he may have some qualities that make him a complex character, he ultimately is not a good guy. Thank you for taking the time to read this article. Feel free to visit again later for more informative content.